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The exclusive License to develop the Solar Thermal Technology is being issued by Livermore, the owner of the patents and the rights to the Technology.

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory is a premier research and development institution for science and technology.

Livermore defines its mission as providing special multidisciplinary capabilities that are used to pursue programs in advanced defense technologies, energy, environment, biosciences, and basic science to meet important national needs. The Laboratory serves as a resource to the U.S. government and is a partner with industry and academia. The Laboratory pursues research and development in areas it deems of enduring importance to the nation. In support of DOE mission priorities in energy and environment, bioscience, and fundamental science and advanced technology, Livermore seeks projects which reinforce its mission and have the potential for high-payoff results.

Livermore has a high commitment and proven innovative approaches to research and invention which are intended to support the nation’s quest for abundant, reliable energy and a clean environment. Livermore is developing programs designed to contribute to the scientific and technological basis for secure, sustainable, and clean energy resources for the U.S. and which reduce environmental risk.

Livermore pursues programs and performs key research in water and environment, energy, carbon and climate, the national nuclear waste repository, and aspects of homeland and national security. Its multidisciplinary programs draw on a broad base of expertise in atmospheric, earth, environmental, and energy science, which resides in a variety of organizations across the Laboratory.

Project sponsors include the U.S. Department of Energy and other federal and state agencies. The Laboratory is engaged in more than 400 projects in the energy and environmental area, ranging from multi-million-dollar programs to smaller research assignments. Much of our work is performed in collaboration with others, both in the United States and internationally. For example it is collaborating with about 80 universities, with industrial companies, and with other national and state research organizations. Most of our work is unclassified.